Money Laundering.
We in Carrickfergus Junior Gateway are committed to ensuring that all necessary safeguards are in place with regards to the receipt of money by Carrickfergus Junior Gateway. This is the order to avoid Carrickfergus Junior Gateway being used to launder money that may originate from the proceeds of crime.
We will endeavour to do this by:
- Adopting procedures for dealing with money laundering.
- Appointing a Designated Money Laundering Officer.
- Adopting guidelines to be used by volunteers when receiving money on behalf of the group.
- Providing effective support and training for our staff and volunteers.
- Making every reasonable effort to verify the identity of the person giving money to us.
We are also committed to reviewing our policy and practice at regular intervals.
Procedure for verifying the identity of the person giving money to us:
- Verify the name and address by electoral register.
- Tracing company cheques.
- Ensuring that the company exists and that the person does work for the company.
- Looking at a driving licence or passport.
- Getting verification from a solicitor.